Wine Storage Tips

Whether you are big wine collector or simply like to have some bottles around for when you host guests and events, if you don’t have a wine cellar, you may find yourself always looking for the best place to store your wine until you are ready for it. Not having proper storage for your wines can not only cause you to need to continue to shuffle them from place to place in your Southern California home, improper storage can also cause even the best wine to go bad. We are going to review some wine storage tips to make sure you can keep this delightful treat in the best condition and keep your home organized in the process.

Wine Storage Tips

Nothing can be worse than going to serve a glass of wine, only to not be able to find that perfect bottle for the occasion, or finding it and realizing that it has gone bad. Have no fear, there are some things you can do to ensure you always know where your wine is and can rest easy knowing that it will still be in good condition when you need it.

  • Keep the temperature just right. Heat is not good for wine. Temperatures higher than 70° F will age a wine more quickly than is usually desirable, resulting in flat aromas and flavors. The ideal temperature range for storing wine is between 45° F and 65° F, with 55° F being recommended. While storing wine at too high of temperature can degrade and compromise it, temperatures that are too low can also be an issue. Storing red wine at colder temperatures actually slows down the aging process and can damage or ruin the wine. When storing wine, it is important to keep it within the desired temperature range mentioned above.
  • Store bottles horizontally. Wine bottles with corks should be stored horizontally. Keeping wine on its side helps keep the cork moist, which is key for long-term storage, as a dried out cork can cause seepage and premature aging. While you don’t need to keep screw top wine bottles on their sides, horizontal storage is a space-efficient way to store your bottles, and it definitely can’t harm your wines.
  • Avoid light. Light, especially sunlight, can pose a potential problem for wine. The sun’s UV rays can degrade and prematurely age wine, damaging the wine’s flavors and aromas. You should always try to store wine in a place that is as dark as possible. The main thing is to store your wine in a dark and dry place to preserve its taste. If you can’t keep a bottle entirely out of light, keep it inside of a box or wrapped lightly in cloth. If storing wine in a cabinet, be sure to select one with solid or UV-resistant doors.
  • Contain humidity levels. Wines should be stored at a humidity level between 50-80%. Some degree of humidity is required in order to keep wines with cork enclosures from drying out. Even when wine bottles are stored on their sides, one side of the cork is still exposed to air. Should the cork begin to dry out, it can allow oxygen to enter the bottle, filling the ullage space and possibly causing the wine to spoil or oxidize. Excessive humidity can also pose the risk of damaging wine labels, which may hinder identification or hurt potential resale value and can also lead to mold.

When it comes to wine storage, the main things to remember are temperature, position, lighting, and humidity.

At Rollouts Quick Inc., we offer wine storage solutions for your Southern California home. We build, design, and install custom rollout shelving, including wine rollouts. With our wine rollouts you can easily locate every bottle, while keeping them protected from light and other elements.

Our mission is to provide affordable, high quality custom built rollout shelves that allow fast, easy access to your items when you need it. Contact us today to learn more.